21 February 2020 – Shabbat is almost here
Enjoy with Jewish music from Slovakia by Moshe Band (Mojše Band in Slovak).
Listen their piece Klein un Grosser, from the album Zipserim, and read these statements about the piece by the leader of the band, Michal Paľko.
“Klein un Grosser is not only the tittle of story about relationships between two members (one rich, one pure) of former Jewish comunity in small city in northern part of Autro-hungarian monarchy, for me its at first funny song about wisdom and satira.
Its very typical music for celebrating Purim because in fact Klein un Grosser story is former famous Purimspiel in ZIPS region. Also the stylisc and plystilistics feeling and sound of track its all that time oscilationg between Hungarian opereta, with deeply klezmer influancies and modern disco=pop=rock song. Enjoy!” |
I hope you’ll like it and, if so, feel free to share it and invite your friends to join us. It is as symple as sending us an email saying: sign me up for the Music Before Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom.
Araceli Tzigane | Mapamundi Música
May you always find the light in your path.